Saturday, October 16, 2010

A Success story – Joint effort by MAYBANK and Damai Disabled Persons Association

Damai had earlier this year highlighted to the media and the Malaysian community through various electronic media and news papers on the impact of having financial institutions which are not accessible for people with disabilities (PWD) especially for those who are on wheelchair.

We received a very positive response from Maybank. Their officials had numerous meeting with us and came up with a plan to revamp their branches to cater PWDs. Through various discussion and brain-storming sessions, we had managed to put forward our recommendation on the design and accessibility features which Maybank should adopt, so that it will be a perfect master piece and at the same time will be an example to be followed by the rest of financial institution in this country. We can definitely call this a “pilot project”.

The results was overwhelming, today I went to witness the end product of months of hard works by Maybank and Damai. They had renovated another main Maybank branch in Petaling Jaya with the exact requirements put forward by Damai. This branch definitely will benefit all the PWD’s in Petaling Jaya area. Maybank has set a very high standard in terms of providing an inclusive service and I strongly urge all other financial institution to emulate Maybanks’ effort in creating a “bank for all”.

MPPJ had also played their part in this success story, they had provided special parking bay for PWD right in front of Maybank. I was amazed with the signboard which read “Di Larang Meletak Kenderaan Di Petak Kereta Kecuali OKU Sahaja”. I have to commend MPPJ for playing their role in providing car parks for disabled drivers and hope to see more designated parking for PWD’s in areas which fall under MPPJ’s jurisdiction. Having said that, I also sincerely hope that MPPJ’s officers will ensure that the car park designated for PWD’s will not be misused by public.

Pictures below speaks by itself. The success story of the joint project by Maybank and Damai

Few doors away from the renovated branch, I saw Bank Simpanan Nasional and immediately my mind wander to the issue Damai had highlighted in relation to the hardship PWD’s have to endure in getting their “PWD monthly allowance” from BSN branch at Kepong.

Bank Simpanan Nasional should take immediate steps to ensure they cater for PWD’s since they are one of the financial institutions which in-charge for distributing the monthly allowance. At the moment, PWD who intends to go to BSN (PJ branch) can utilize the designated car park and the ramp built by Maybank. I strongly urge BSN to keep to their promise to renovate the branches to cater PWD

Pictures below reflect the hurdles PWD’s have to endure every month . Time for BSN to emulate Maybank’s effort

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